Wednesday, March 22, 2006
White Men As Saviors?
What does it say about American culture when Warner Brothers an international media empire, with its millions of dollars spent in market research, believes that the best way it can sell Superman to the US and the world-at-large is as an almost literal reincarnation of Jesus Christ? The white supremacist myth of a white man saving the lessers, continues.

From the trailer (Superman’s father speaking to him):
They can be a great people Kalel. They wish to be. They only lack the light to show the way. For this reason above all, their capacity for good, I send them you, my only son.

Don’t laugh. From Jesus to Neo, this multi-generational, multi-centennial narrative is a snapshot of the deeper psychological reason the US’ white citizens accept the racist frame that a US military led by a white president should-no, must- travel the world liberating various groups of brown and black people. Iraq, Haiti, Iraq again. Maybe Iran. Who else needs salvation?

I’m not suggesting those who watch Superman Returns will then go join the army. But people will vote to use the US’ army to unleash all manner of hell on women and children around the world under the guise of liberation and helping the poor bastards realize freedom, which is what this movie, and others like it, are all about.

Movies like Superman Returns, under the guise of two hours of neat computer graphics, base humor and special effects reinforce notions of supremacy for the next generation of Amerikkkans whose acquiescence the corporate run government will need for defending and extending empire. And of course, the guy we must follow in these fables about saving the world is always white.
posted by Marc Garvey at 10:58 AM | Permalink |