Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Imus Admits To Hiring People Tell Nigger Jokes
Don Imus admits in a conversation with 60 Minutes' Mike Wallace that Imus pays Bernard McGuirck to tell nigger jokes.
This is the same Don Imus that talks regularly with the likes of NYTimes' Frank Rich, Meet The Press' Tim Russert, the Chicago Tribunes' Clarence Page, Senators John Kerry, John McCain, Joe Lieberman and many others nationally prominent political representatives.

For obvious reasons, many white folks have problems with the term white supremacy as it is applied to contemporary society but only under a white supremacist and virulently sexist society would high elected officials and prominent journalists seek and accept invitation to chat with an unapologetic racist and sexist like Imus. Only under white supremacy would a billion dollar news and entertainment network, NBC, employ a racist and sexist like Imus without pissing off much anyone. On the contrary, the racism and sexism are obviously a big hit as evidenced by the continuation of Imus' programs. Like the term or not, white supremacy is what we have. And like all problems, denying it won't remedy it and will most likely make it or allow it to become more serious.

Far from the discovery of something obscure, this report was done by On The Media, part of NPR. And the report was aired over four years ago. The media isn't concerned. But like I said, in a white supremacist society, a racist Imus is no problem.

Listen to the On The Media report.
posted by Marc Garvey at 11:05 AM | Permalink | 1 comments