Saturday, January 07, 2006
GPS 2006 Begins

Today the Georgia Progressive Summit, being held at Georgia State University, begins.

Actually, the networking mixer type event, the actual kickoff of the summit, happened last night at Gordon Biersch in Midtown Atlanta. I should first put forth the disclaimer that my comments about GPS 2006, or anything else for that matter, will hopefully be viewed from the perspective of a progressive desiring to create, in this case, a more progressive society here in Georgia.

That said, GPS 2006 has gotten off to a questionable, perhaps wrong-headed start. The location of the mixer was a brewery located in a part of the city while very accessible in terms of transit, was not as accessible socially and culturally, to all. To regular visitors to Gordon Biersch or breweries like it, this might sound weird but as progressives, we have to think in wider, broader frames. Outside the establishment box of thinking should be inherent to progressivism. Particularly in the southern United States where the thinking inside of the box has a legacy of being quite rancid.

Eye on the ball, Smitty. Back to the location of the mixer. Being located in a fairly affluent, white part of town and held in a place of business some could easily consider "uppity" immediately erects a fence around the event. The location of the pre-GPS mixer, like is often the case in white middle class and above 'progressive' organizing, wasn't selected with everyone in mind. Many people weren't in mind when it was selected. Or if they were thought of it wasn't with a nod toward inclusion, which is a cornerstone of progressive values.
Isn't it?
The 'many' to which I refer, just to be clear, are working class and poor European-Americans and African-Americans. And perhaps some middle-class African-Americans not a part of the intown political class. But particularly poor Af-Amers. Hopefully I need not pontificate at length as to why this and other instances like this, are of extreme importance and speak volumes, before the summit even really begins, about what point we are at as Georgia progressives.

The GPS 2006 is being held at Georgia State University, a much more central and accessible (culturally and logistically) location. There are still some from several different perspectives that might have problems with this location, some vocal and some silent, but I think that in a city like Atlanta, the selection of this place makes a good deal of sense in terms of what we're trying to build as progressives. How this plays out in attendance and thus participation, remains to be seen but I'll report back more on that later today.

posted by Marc Garvey at 4:34 AM | Permalink | 0 comments