Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney On The Issues


bringing hundreds of millions of Federal Dollars to the District 4
For Peace and Justice
For Respecting the Sovereignty of Other Nations
For an Immediate Ceasefir in Lebanon
For Bringing Our Troops Home Now
For Quality Medical Care for Returning Service Personnel
For the Anti-War Fast Conducted by "Troops Home Fast"
For Evenhanded Treatment of Palestinians and Israel
For Evenhanded Diplomacy on All Mid-East Issues
For Respecting the Geneva Convention Rights of Guantanamo Detainees
For a Full and Thorough Investigation into the 9/11 Attacks
For Reduction of Tax Benefits to Large Corporations that Reduce Workforce
For Making Corporations Accountable for Federal Contractual Monies
For a Full Accounting of the $12 Billion Sent to Iraq in $100 Bills
For Providing Farm Debt and Program Relief to Black Farmers
For Verifiable Paper Trails and Audits in the USe of Voting Machines
For Extension of the Voting Rights Act without Amendments
For Developing and Investing in Alternative Energy Sources
For Stem Cell Research
For Enforcement of Environmental Laws
For a Woman's Right to Choose
For an Increase in the Minimum Wage
For Tax Relief for the Middle Class, Working Class and Poor
For Job Training and Expanded Vocational Education
For Adequate, Available and Affordable Housing for All Citizens
For Expansion of Grants and Aid to Post-Secondary Students
For Full Funding of the No Child Left Behind Act
For the Rights of Workers to Organize and Form Unions
For Aid and Assistance to Victims of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita
For Providing a Range of Constitutents Services Across the District and the Nation
For the Establishmnt of the Arabia Mountain National Heritage Area
Oppose Preemptive Strikes on Sovereign Nations
Oppose Massive Profiteering on Weapons of War
Oppose Tax Relief for Big Businesses
Oppose Eliminating the Inheritance Tax
Oppose Continued Tax Cuts for the Rich
Oppose Privatizing Social Security
Oppose Parts of the Patriot Act that Abuse Citizens' Rights
Oppose Photo IDs for Voters

The list is endless. Cynthia McKinney is a courageous, active representative of the people. She believes in honesty and ingrity in government, and will speak "truth to power" whever necessary. Based on her positions, her experience and her hard work on our behalf,

posted by Marc Garvey at 2:50 AM | Permalink |