Thursday, May 18, 2006
The Bushites' Skull and Bones History
This week Black Commentator takes aim at the Bush family, their history, fortunes and culture. Very interesting article for me. I didn't know what exactly skull and bones meant before reading Freedom Rider's work. Disgusting but informative and insight lending reading. If you think the Bushites are just stupid and incompetent, take 5 minutes and read the article.
It might not seem possible but the Bushites may be worse than you think.
posted by Marc Garvey at 6:36 AM | Permalink | 2 comments
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
NEW 9/11 Video Released!(?)
Yesterday additional clips, allegedly of Flight 77 slamming into the Pentagon, were released through a FOIA filed by the group Judicial Watch.  Once released what was advertised as additional video clips was actually a few more video stills, pictures.  Pictures from the same Wal-Mart like security camera from which the first grainy, indiscernible clips originated.

Before the clips were released, CNN and other corporate media outlets assured us all that these clips would put an end to all of those still not believing the gov’t line about a Boeing 757 hitting the Pentagon.  

  1. CNN Anchorwoman: It shows the plane going into the Pentagon on 9/11.

  2. CNN Pentagon Correspondent Barbara Star: this is the video from, we believe, security cameras here in the Pentagon parking lot that showed American Airlines Flight 77 striking the Pentagon on September 11, 2001.

  3. It is expected that the video will show for the first time a more discernible image of Flight 77..uh..hitting the building.

  4. It will be a somewhat grainy image but it will show Flight 77 and the impact into the side of the building

  5. This is expected to put to rest, some of the internet chatter some of the sort of…uh…fringe comments that have been out on the internet for years now about whether or not a plane really hit this building.  And of course a plane did (emphasis hers) hit this building.

CNN’s Barbara Star goes on to say that the organization Judicial Watch got the film by filing a FOIA request ‘as did CNN’.  She then reports that after JW’s FOIA request was denied they filed suit in court.  Star doesn’t continue on to say that JW won the court case.  They did.  Meeting doctrinal requirements, which dictate that the population must not get the impression that the govt need respond to pressure from citizens, she reports that the US govt decided to release the tape now that the Moussaoui trial is over which wasn’t the govt position taken when the FOIA was filed and even though Moussaoui pled guilty in April of 2004.

This entire story is a non-story and instead a media event in which the internet and dissenters from the govt theory of 9/11 all get smeared as having been alarmist pushing claims lacking any credibility.

And behind yesterday’s big story is finally the video, which isn’t a video at all but a few still frames from a video, from the same video that was released years ago.

Move along, besides yet another psychological operation designed to manipulate the population into not trusting anything that comes from sources that disagree with Washington, there’s nothing to see here.

posted by Marc Garvey at 7:43 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Weekly PsyOps
Corporate media went into overdrive carrying water for their paymasters, reporting that 2/3 of all Americans are in favor of the NSA spying on them. I think to myself-who believes this shit? But based on the last election results (yes, I know it was stolen but still...) a lot of people listen and watch the teevee and read the printed corporate presses ramblings (when they should be readin' this or this or this).

6,000 Troops To US-Mexico Border
Bush announces that he is sending the military down to the southern US border to kill Mexicans seeking work in the US. The stenographers over at the Associated Press characterize that as Bush seeking '
the middle ground'.Killing poor, brown workers is now the middle ground. What's extreme then?That's how these guys work. And it doesn't work the other way around as some on the left believe, claiming we need to take over the corporate media. Where are the instances of the media overblowing Americans feelings about labor unions and against corporate influence? The corporate media is a one way right-wing check valve

US(?) Assaults WireTapping Lawsuit
One of, if not the most ubiquitous print media psyop is the Orwellian headline. The San Francisco Chronicle, aided by self-identifying progressive website Common Dreams, is shopping the headline operation to its readership.

U.S. Opens Assault On Wiretap Suit

Now go back up and read it again. And wrap your mind around what it actually says, not what you know they mean.

The US gov’t led by the Bush presidential administration is being sued by US citizens working together in a group called the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
However, the headline states that the U.S. is assaulting the suit.
The headline, as a logical imperative, implies that only the defendants are Americans when anyone familiar with the situation knows that U.S. citizens are filing suit against the U.S. gov’t. One can only assume three things:
  1. The editors are grammatically inept meaning it is an innocent mistake.

  2. The editors see nothing wrong with the grammar as they think in a fascist framework which identifies the gov’t first as the country, the citizens granted some lesser status.

  3. The editors understand the inaccuracy and perpetrate it consciously to communicate an idea identifying the gov’t as the U.S. while relegating citizens, particularly ones opposing the gov’t, to some lesser status.

I’m thinking B. And what’s with Common Dreams helping to push this stuff? Or am I the only one to which this stuff reads funny? In this day we find ourselves in a conundrum. One wants to remain informed without exposing oneself to o many of the wrong messages, symbols and ideas, all of which constitute psychological warfare.

Consume at your own risk.
posted by Marc Garvey at 7:19 AM | Permalink | 0 comments