Monday, June 05, 2006
Desperate To Keep The Hate Alive
Trying desperately to keep alive the McKinney/Capitol Police racial profiling case for as long as possible (read:McKinney’s congressional primary), the fed prosecutor still hasn’t come to a conclusion regarding the grand jury probe into the incident as reported by the conservative daily newsletter, the Atlanta-Journal and Constitution.

The reactionary right-wingers (this includes many that self-identify as Democrats) are reading this delay by the feds as the refusal of a politically correct liberal establishment to enforce basic law and order, negating any and all possibility that racism played a part in the incident and might subsequently be the reason for the slow decision to indict on her alleged crimes. So basically this is par for the course in clueless and ever racist America. While the debacle drags on McKinney has kicked off her campaign for re-election to her post of US Congressman from the 4th District of Georgia.

And note that I did say that this is being dragged out, closer and closer to the Democratic Party Primary election. Important because no Republican will be able to defeat McKinney (or any Democrat) in a 4th district congressional election. Thus, this propaganda, from the beginning, is aimed squarely at racist white Democrats living in the city of Atlanta and Dekalb and Gwinnett counties of Georgia. And that’s the most insidious part of it. Most whites that see a racial dimension to the vilification of the Congresswoman associate it with Republican voters but that’s never been the case. It’s always about tapping into the racism of white Democrats in the district, which judging by the Georgia Democratic netroots which are overwhelmingly white, isn’t a tall task.

An alternative perspective on the Capitol Police Racial Profiling incident with McKinney.
posted by Marc Garvey at 7:56 AM | Permalink | 0 comments