Thursday, January 26, 2006
Are 'Spineless Democrats' Really The Problem?
From the Brad Blog,
NY Times Calls For Filibuster of Alito

I love what you do, Brad but you're wrong about the NYTimes. You're wrong but you're not alone. What the NYTimes is saying in the op/ed, "Senators In Need Of A Spine" is a popular and quite destructive myth about Democratic politicians. The idea that the reason they don't do the right things, that they don't vote progressively, is because they lack the backbone or courage to do so. The thinking is that politicians are poll-driven, dancing a jig to the chaotic rhythm of a fickle public. Afraid to stand up for some in fear of going out of favor with other voters.
But the poll-driven politician is a myth.
Polls on many big progressive issue show bipartisan public support.
Single-payer healthcare.
Increased spending on public education.
Expanded mass transit.
Publicly financed elections.

And on all these bipartisanly popular issues, the Dems are silent or close to silent. The idea that the Dems lack the courage to stand up is a fiction that either incidentally or by design keeps what remains of the voting American Left locked in a downwardly spiraling with Democratic Party representatives making corporate votes that later get excused as timid votes when it has little to do with courage and almost everything to do with pork for corporations hellbent on lowering wages wherever possible.

This myth of Democrats with no spines keeps the Left from actually organizing around true progressives and candidates outside the corporate pen in the hope that Democrats will 'get a spine'. But does spine have anything at all to do with what we're dealing with, here? To that, I give a forceful NO!
Like I said, I love your work. Keep it up. But stay away from the spineless Democrat drivel coming from the Times and other liberal publications.
posted by Marc Garvey at 5:23 AM | Permalink |