El mundo tiene para todos, pues, pero resulta que unas minorías, los descendientes de los mismos que crucificaron a Cristo, los descendientes de los mismos que echaron a Bolívar de aquí y también lo crucificaron a su manera en Santa Marta, allá en Colombia. Una minoría se adueñó de las riquezas del mundo, una minoría se adueñó del oro del planeta, de la plata, de los minerales, de las aguas, de las tierras buenas, del petróleo, de las riquezas, pues, y han concentrado las riquezas en pocas manos
And this is the translation.
The world has enough for all, but a minority, the descendants of those who crucified Christ, the descendants of those who cast out Bolivar from here and also crucified him in a way in Santa Marta, over in Colombia--a minority has appropriated the riches of the world, a minority has appropriated the gold of the planet, the silver, minerals, water, good earth, petroleum, wealth, and has concentrated it in a small number of hands.
This isn't anti-semitism. This is Chavez talking politics in the same terms he always does.
Chavez often refers to Jesus as the first socialist. The minority he speaks of that killed Jesus, the first socialist is the same wealthy minority, he claims, that works against socialists and populists now. Minoria in Spanish isn't commonly used as a reference to an ethnic group. It's a term used to discuss socioeconomic groups.
This isn't antisemitism.
It is interesting the media hype his comments have received. And how blogs are biting on this stuff and using it as an excuse to smear one of the most high profile populist head of state on the radar. Some blogs and websites are falling for this misinformation. Others are actively pushing the story. I'm remembering the places I visit and that are sent to me that are pushing this story of Chavez as an anti-semite. It might be useful in understanding weird stories in the future that somehow get traction.
For those eager to smear anyone adequately enthusiastic about Western capitalism, try again.