Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Let No One Speak A Harsh Word of The Atlanta Journal and Constitution
where only the highest journalistic standards are in play. While Georgia has some of the nation's lowest education levels, poverty is rampant in Atlanta and a transportation subsidy of 1.4 billion is in the works, this is the kind of 'information' Atlantans are made privy to by Atlanta's flagship paper.

Airfare Contest Is A Lot To Swallow

Don't laugh. Aren't there other local events more important than this? And how contemptuous of its readership must the AJC be to expect people to pay for Wendy's ads passed of as serious journalism?

This, amplified to hundreds of major newspapers across the country, is why we government is unresponsive, the debt is so high and why we have US soldiers in the desert killing and waiting to be killed.

Willed ignorance from on high.

Wouldn't it be great to boycott the AJC and others like it until they actually printed news? Now that would be something.
posted by Marc Garvey at 4:40 AM | Permalink |