Destroy your television.
After watching the tale of 'looting' in New Orleans.
After watching the FBI find Mohammed Atta's passport atop a pile of rubble at Ground Zero in Manhattan,
After being educated about the imminent threat of Iraq and its WMDs,
After seeing watching decade after decade of reformist presidential candidates ridiculed out of contention,
you should know that your television is worthless.
To say that it's worthless would imply that while it provides no good service, it does no harm. And above all, we KNOW that shit ain't true. Even though, I know there are maaaaany out there that continue to watch it and be informed by it. Hehe.
For you that have unplugged it, punched out the power button, thrown away the remote or whatever means have been employed to stop the brain drain, you still have the internet to garner occasional updates about the psyops being transmitted via the idiot box.
Recently Tucker Carlson, formerly of Crossfire, now with MSNBC, recently brought on Professor Stephen Jones to talk about 9/11. Again, if you know anything about how the teevee works, you are prepared for what is certain to be a propaganda party. I could go on and on about how they do this (and since this is a blog, I'll probably do just that on tomorrow) but for now, just read the transcript. Hopefully needless to say, pay close attention to what happens when the Professor gets around to talking about the crux of his 9/11 hypothesis which centers on the collapse of WTC building #7.
In my opinion, this is bad propaganda, because this time what is being done in the interview, is a little too obvious. More on this later. So funny.